Thursday 26 August 2021

ऐसा न हो कि ताज़ा हवा अजनबी लगे कमरे का एक-आध दरीचा खुला भी रख

दीया और बाती....अपनी अपनी जगह सही होते हैं... आग कोई तीसरा ही लगाता हैं.......!!

ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा सोचकर हम ऐसी समस्याएँ खड़ी कर लेते हैं, जो असल में होती ही  नहीं.

दुनिया में सर्वगुणसम्पन्न तो कोई नहीं होता . अपनो  में कुछ कमियाँ दिखाई दें तो उन्हें नज़रअन्दाज़ करके रिश्ते सँजोये रखिए।

मंजिल रोकेगी तो ठहर जाऊँगा,खुद्दार मुसाफिर हूँ गुजर जाऊँगा

गुजर जाते हैं खूबसूरत लम्हें यूँ ही मुसाफ़िरों की तरह,यादें खड़ी रह जाती हैं, रुके रास्तों की तरह।।

जीवन हमारे फ़ैसलों का खेल है , फ़ैसले हमारे दिमाग़ का खेल हैं..!

Even at your best you will never be right for the wrong person.

सबका प्रिय बने रहने की कोशिश...अच्छे-ख़ासे इंसान को औसत आदमी बनाकर छोड़ती है।'

समर्थन और विरोध विचारों का होना चाहिये...व्यक्ति का नहीं..

मुश्किल होता है...भरे हुए मन से...अपना खालीपन लिखना..!!!

जब किसी में कुछ भी अच्छा नज़र नहीं आता..समझ लेना कि स्वयं में बुराई ढूंढने का समय आ गया है....

Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.

A wise person learns even from idiots.

Keep your internal battles private.

रौशनी ढूँड के लाना  कोई  मुश्किल  तो न था लेकिन इस दौड़ में हर शख़्स को जलते देखा

कामयाबी मिलने से पहले जिंदगी एक बार हार का श्रृंगार करती है....

एक ही दिन मे बिगड़ने वाले दूध में कभी नहीं बिगड़ने वाला घी छिपा है..!!

आपका मन भी अथाह शक्तियों से भरा है, उसमें कुछ सकारात्मक विचार डालो चिंतन करो..

If you want to survive Sell time If you want to thrive  Sell knowledge:

 तारीफ़ करने वाले बेशक आपको पहचानते होंगे, फ़िक्र करने वालो को आपको ही पहचानना होगा..

Stop sitting around tables that speak badly of others When you leave, you're the topic.

 Accepting what comes and allowing it to leave when it's time. What's for me will be for me effortlessly.

People don't change their behaviour until they face the same.



 Personality is how you respond on a typical day. Character is how you show up on your worst day.

It's easy to demonstrate fairness, integrity, and generosity when things are going well.

The real question is whether you stand by those values when the deck is stacked against you.

याद रहे बेईमानी की  कमाई  से, शक्लें तो सवार सकते हो, नस्ले नहीं !!

 किसी के पास रहना हो तो,थोड़ा दूर रहना चाहिए . . .

ये और बात कि दुश्मन हुआ है आज मगर,वो मेरा दोस्त था कल तक उसे बुरा न कहो..!

A fool with a plan can outsmart a genius with no plan.

 इतना नाराज़ हो क्यूँ.... उस ने जो पत्थर फेंका उस के हाथों से कभी फूल भी तो आया होगा..!

तेरा नाम ही मुकम्मल है, इससे बेहतर नज़्म क्या होगी.....

 झरनों से मधुर संगीत,न सुनाई देता...  राहों में उनके, पत्थर न होते...

 You can’t learn to be more positive around people who are always negative.

होते हैं जो सब के वो किसी के नहीं होते औरों के तो क्या होंगे वो अपने ही नहीं होते

छोड़ना चाहो तो.. कमियाँ बहुत हैं मुझमे, साथ निभाना चाहो तो.. खूबियाँ भी कम नहीं..

“Essence of Rakshabandhan is the bond between the soul and the divine”

आत्मविश्वास धन का, बल का, ज्ञान का  लेकिन मूर्खता का आत्मविश्वास सर्वोपरि होता है।

इतनी जल्दी भी ना कर मनाने में, रूठने के बाद भी, हम तेरे ही है..

आँखे झील नहीँ है फिर भी भर जाती हैं...दिल कांच नहीं फिर भी टूट जाता हैं... इंसान मौसम नहीं फिर भी बदल जाता है..

ख़ुद चराग़ों को अंधेरों की ज़रूरत है ज्यादा रोशनी हो तो उन्हें लोग बुझाने लग जाएं

You will never be criticised by someone who is doing more than you. You will always be criticised by someone doing less. Remember that....

If you want to disuss your problems and get some moral support, talk to women.If you want to solve your problems, talk to men.

 "Enjoyment" is a mental game

ख़ुद चराग़ों को अंधेरों की ज़रूरत होती है ज्यादा रोशनी हो तो लोग बुझाने लग जाते हैं उन्हें ...

 आत्मविश्वास... धन का, बल का, ज्ञान का...लेकिन मूर्खता का हमेशा सर्वोपरि होता है।

Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent...

ध्यान लगा कर सुनोगे, तो पता चलेगा, खामोशी कितनी खूबसूरत है ....

One of the best feelings is when someone understands you without you having to say anything.

जिसके पास समाधान का सामर्थ्य जितना अधिक होता है ,उसका रिश्तों का दायरा भी उतना ही बड़ा होता है !

कुछ फासले ऐसे भी होते हैं ..जो तय नहीं होते मगर नजदीकियां कमाल की रखते हैं...!!

तुम मेरी तरफ़ देखना छोड़ो तो बताऊँ, हर शख़्स तुम्हारी ही तरफ़ देख रहा है...

 ऐसा न हो कि ताज़ा हवा अजनबी लगे कमरे का एक-आध दरीचा खुला भी रख

Monday 23 August 2021

आत्मविश्वास धन का, बल का, ज्ञान का लेकिन मूर्खता का आत्मविश्वास सर्वोपरि होता है।

There comes a point when you either embrace who and what you are, or condemn yourself to be miserable all your days. There will always be people in your life who will try to make you miserable. Don’t help them by doing the job yourself!

Permanent happiness comes from your choosing to be happy no matter what.

Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot and you will survive whatever is coming.

शिकायतें तेरे लहज़े से है ..

लफ़्ज़ों पे एतराज़ तो कर ही नहीं रहा...

Wednesday 18 August 2021



When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future.

Stress is caused not by what's happening in the outer world but by what our mind is thinking about what's happening.

Pause and take that in.

Of course life is difficult, stressful, painful and chaotic....this is true but we can manage and choose how we respond by slowing down, taking in a few deep breaths, allowing the mind to calm down and deciding what action we want to take in response to what's happening for us.
If we can learn to slow down, stay in the present moment, instead of listening to the thoughts in the mind regretting the past or worrying about the future then we can take our time and respond in a way that serves our lives and preserves our sanity.

When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. 

I can't control the thoughts that pop into my head but I can change my focus and whether I choose to believe them or not...

We have no control over what thoughts will pop into the mind, but the great news is we have 100 control over what thoughts we will allow to occupy space in the mind.

So you are the boss... choose thoughts that are helpful, inspiring, true and positive and tell the "negative committee" to sit down and be quiet or leave.

No one ever taught us when we were younger that we actually have a choice in which thoughts we will believe.
Now you know.....

Use your power.

Love these words of Viktor Frankl on finding freedom from our thoughts:

"Between stimulus and response there is a space.

In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

@Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life


I can't control the thoughts that pop into my head but I can change my focus and whether I choose to believe them or not...

Friday 13 August 2021

सच्चे लोग दिल में उतनी जगह नहीं बना पाते है जितनी मतलबी और चापलूस लोग बना लेते है..

सच्चे लोग 
दिल में 
उतनी जगह 
नहीं बना पाते है 
मतलबी और 
चापलूस लोग 
बना लेते है..

Tuesday 10 August 2021

गलत फ़हमियों में जवानी गुज़ारी, कभी वो न समझे,कभी हम न समझे.....

 गलत  फ़हमियों   में  जवानी  गुज़ारी,

कभी वो न समझे,कभी हम न समझे.....

चलो बाँट लेते हैं अपनी सज़ाएँ

न तुम याद आओ न हम याद आएँ

वों खामोश बैठे रहे ,

 मैं सुनता रहा..

दुनिया की शोहरतें हैं उन्हीं के नसीब में

अंदाज़ जिनको बात बनाने के आ गए...

जब इंसान की जरूरत बदल जाती है,

उसके बात करने का लहजा भी बदल जाता ..

छोड़ना पड़ता है, कुछ जोड़ना पड़ता है!!

मेरे यार आसाँ कहाँ है जिंदगी....

क्या मशवरा क्या सल्लाह कीजिए,

जाने की ज़ब ठानी है.. जाने दीजिए..

हम महानता के सबसे करीब तब होते हैं,

जब हम विनम्रता में महान होते हैं।

रबींद्रनाथ टैगोर

जो दुवाओं से निकल गया....

उसे बद्दुवाओं में क्या रखना.....

वो रात ऐसी कठोर उदासी की रात थी

जलते चराग़ ख़ुदको बुझाकर चले गए..!



किसी को तो पसंद

आएगी नादानियाँ मेरी

सारा शहर

समझदार तो नहीं..

गति इतनी भी मध्यम न हो

आरंभ और अंत एक लगे...

बहुत फ़र्क हो जाता है..

हक़ छोड़ देने और हक़ खो देने में..!

शराफ़त ने मुझको कहीं का न छोड़ा

रक़ीब अपने ख़त मुझसे लिखवा रहे हैं

हर सजा कबूल कर ली सर झुका कर हमने

कसूर बस ये था कि बेकसूर थे हम...!!

खुशी सिर्फ़ दुसरों को

दिखाने के लिए नहीं ...

बल्कि अपनी तसल्ली के

लिए होनी चाहिए ..


सम्बन्धों का प्रवाह रुकने के बाद

उनका निर्वाह भी बोझ बन जाता है ...!

हिफ़ाज़त....वो बड़ी ख़ूबी से करता है

हवा भी चलती रहती है दिया भी जलता रहता है

Sunday 8 August 2021

रिश्ते का अंतकिसी रिश्ते का अंत तब होता है जब एक का हद से ज्यादा प्यार और परवाह दूसरे को बोझ लगने लगता है।

किसी रिश्ते का अंत तब होता है जब एक का हद से ज्यादा प्यार और परवाह दूसरे को बोझ लगने लगता है।

Worrying is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.

किसी को तो पसंद
आएगी नादानियाँ मेरी
अब सारा शहर
समझदार तो नही..
Be kind, be fair, be honest, be true and all of these things will come back to you. Always remember, what goes around comes around.

God uses Broken
things Beautifully;
Broken Clouds pour Rain, Broken soil sets as fields, Broken crop yield seeds, Broken seeds give life to new plants.
So when you feel
you are Broken, be rest assured that God is planning to utilize you for something great.

Keep growing into the person you wish to become
You don't just wake up and become the butterfly, growth is a process.
We must take good care of ourselves in order to live fully the life of our dreams.
Commit to making this a priority today.
Don't abandon your own needs by trying to always be so understanding of others.

"Always choose people that are better than you. Always choose people that challenge you and are smarter than you. Always be the student."

जो चालाक बन कर दुसरो के दिलऔर जज्बातों से खेलते है...यकीन मानो वो एक दिन खुदखिलौना बन कर रह जाते है..!

a Search

Have you noticed that a *Bronze* Medalist is generally *more happy* than a *Silver Medalist* at the end of the game.89

Its not incidental finding but proven fact in many research studies after studying reactions of Silver Medalists vs Bronze Medalists!

Ideally, a Silver Medalist should be more happy than the Bronze Medalist.

But human mind doesn't work like mathematics. This happens because of phenomenon of *counterfactual thinking*.

Silver Medalist thinks, "Oh I couldn't win the Gold Medal." Bronze Medalist thinks, "At least I got a medal."

Silver Medalist thinks, "Oh I couldn't win the Gold Medal." Bronze Medalist thinks, "At least I got a medal."

2 Silver medal is won after losing, but Bronze medal is won after Winning.

This happens in our life also.... we just don't appreciate what we have but feel sad with what we don't have.

Let's be grateful for the blessings we have they far out weigh than our problems... if we start counting.

Life is after all full of choices.. Do always count your blessings to stay Positive & Motivated...

Every day spent procrastinating is another day spent worrying about that thing. Do it now, and move on with your life!

Every day spent procrastinating is another day spent worrying about that thing. Do it now, and move on with your life!

Only people who are not happy with themselves. are mean to others.Remember that

When people are disrespectful, unkind, harmful and mean to others remember it's never about you and it's always a reflection of what's happening inside of them and their perception of you and life.

When someone is mean I believe it's a sign that they're not happy with themselves deep within, so they need to perceive something wrong with the other person to make themselves feel better.

Only people who are not happy with themselves. are mean to others.

I spent a lot of my life being told by family, ex friends, ex partners, school admin, etc. that I was too sensitive. Turns out that I was just unwilling to sit silently through mistreatment/abuse. Sensitivity is a strength. Never let weak people convince you otherwise.

Never allow anyone to tell you that you are overreacting, that your feelings are overblown or that you are too sensitive. 
Feelings are feelings and they are meant to be felt, acknowledged, understood and then they begin to move through the body, releasing you of the pain and suffering Period.

Never deny your feelings or push them down thinking that they will simply disappear eventually.

If your feelings are not acknowledged and felt, they will come out sideways somewhere in your life as anger, resentment, fear or even illness.

If your feelings are not acknowledged and felt, they will come out sideways somewhere in your life as anger, resentment, fear or even illness.

If you are hurt, you're hurt, so feel the feelings, understand how they are impacting you, take the actions that are in your best interest and do no harm to others. 

I spent a lot of my life being told by family, ex friends, ex partners, school admin, etc. that I was too sensitive. Turns out that I was just unwilling to sit silently through mistreatment/abuse. Sensitivity is a strength. Never let weak people convince you otherwise. 

लहर किसी को जिंदगी में उतनी ही जगह दो जितनी वो तुम्हें देता है वरना या तो तुम खुद रोओगे या वो तुम्हें रुलाएगा

A shark in a fish tank will grow 8 inches but in the ocean, it will grow to 8 feet or more. The shark will never outgrow its environment and the same is true for you.Many times, we are around the small thinking people & hence we don't grow.Change your environment and see your growth.

कभी टूटा ही नहीं,
दिल से तुम्हारी यादों का रिश्ता
बातें हों या ना हों,
ख्याल तुम्हारा ही रहता है !
A short sentence rich in meaning: Think all you speak, But, Never speak all you think.

Being challenged in life is inevitable. Being defeated is optional.

Sometimes you face difficulties not because you're doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right.

"Life can be difficult if all you see is everything that's wrong. Start focusing on what's right, what's good, what's constructive. No matter what you're facing, if you choose a positive mindset, you'll emerge the winner. So if you want to feel better, you've got to think better!" -Menk

Let it go.
One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change.

This is a very powerful picture of 3 different people together -

This is a very powerful picture of 3 different people together -

1. One of the finest entrepreneur 
2. One of the finest businessman 
3. A Failed Businessman (Not a failed Individual)

Dhirubhai created Reliance from scratch and also in the time when policies did not favor new businesses and new people due to license Raj. Anil and Mukesh inherited a large empire around 2005/2006. Anil was richer than Mukesh at the time of split. In 2007, Anil had 45 Billion USD and Mukesh had 49 Billion USD.

Fast forward 13 years -Mukesh is 5th richest person in the world with 80 Billion of net worth and Anil Ambani is bankrupt with zero/ negative net worth.

Mukesh's growth is astonishing and a very proud story for all of the Indians. Anil's failure story is also astonishing on how you can fail royally. It will be amazing to see if Anil Ambani rises from ashes now.

What I learnt reading about them - defining a vision, having perseverance and right people by your side are important ingredient of success. Knowing your ability and being confident about it matters too. Lot of business people define strategy but only a few are executing in the right way. Let us not repeat same mistakes and learn from others mistake. I am not discounting luck as well. !!

माना कि किसी से ज्यादा नाराज नहीं रहना चाहिए लेकिन जब सामने वाले को हमारी जरूरत ही नहीं तो रखने से कोई मतलब नहीं"जबर्दस्ती के रिश्ते

माना कि किसी से ज्यादा नाराज नहीं रहना चाहिए लेकिन जब सामने वाले को हमारी जरूरत ही नहीं तो रखने से कोई मतलब नहीं" जबर्दस्ती के रिश्ते

कूछ बातों से
अनजान रहना अच्छा है
कभी कभी सब कुछ
जान लेना भी तकलीफ देता
जो जा रहा है

उसको जाने दो.
आज रुक भी गया
तो कल चला जाएगा !!

Ego=1 /Knowledge

"More the knowledge Lesser the Ego, Lesser the Knowledge More the Ego..."
-Albert Einstein.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

* उम्र की लम्बाई नहीं गहराई मायने रखती हैं!* *पेड़ को पत्थर मारने पर भी वह फ़ल देना नहीं छोड़ता, नदियां सभी को पानी पिलाती हैं, पर सूखी कभी भी नहीं रहती ! ** किसी भी जीव की प्राण एवं प्रवृति एक साथही छूटती हैं!** अभिमानी को वक्त आने पर स्वयं ही समझ आती हैं! ** ज्ञानी को समझाया जा सकता हैं!** अज्ञानी को भी समझाया जा सकता हैं! *

*" पक्के हुए फल की तीन पहचान होती है...!* * एक तो वह नर्म हो जाता है...!*

* दूसरा वह मीठा हो जाता है...!*

* तीसरे उसका रंग बदल जाता है...!*

*"इसी तरह से परिपक्व व्यक्ति की भी तीन

पहचान होती है...!*

*पहली उसमें विनम्रता होती है..!*

*दूसरा उसकी वाणी मे मिठास (मृदु भाषी) होता है...!*

* और तीसरा उसके चेहरे पर आत्मविश्वास का

रंग होता है..... !*

* उम्र की लम्बाई नहीं गहराई मायने रखती हैं!*

*पेड़ को पत्थर मारने पर भी वह फ़ल देना नहीं छोड़ता, नदियां सभी को पानी पिलाती हैं, पर

सूखी कभी भी नहीं रहती!*

* किसी भी जीव की प्राण एवं प्रवृति एक साथ

ही छूटती हैं! *

* उम्र की लम्बाई नहीं गहराई मायने रखती हैं!* *पेड़ को पत्थर मारने पर भी वह फ़ल देना नहीं छोड़ता, नदियां सभी को पानी पिलाती हैं, पर सूखी कभी भी नहीं रहती ! *

* किसी भी जीव की प्राण एवं प्रवृति एक साथ

ही छूटती हैं!*

* अभिमानी को वक्त आने पर स्वयं ही समझ आती हैं! *

* ज्ञानी को समझाया जा सकता हैं!*

* अज्ञानी को भी समझाया जा सकता हैं! *

Fake peoples are like clouds When they disappear the day is much Brighter.

 हमारे सबके जीवन मे कुछ ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो अपने मतलब के लिए आते हैं, बहुत मीठी मीठी बाते करते है, हमें सबसे नजदीक महसुस होते हैं। इस दौरान हमारे आपने फिके लगने लगते हैं और हम उन मतलब प्रस्त लोगे के छलावे मे आ जाते हैं। परंतु कुछ समय के बाद वो हमारे जीवन से अपना मतलब साध कर निकल जाते हैं, तब फिर से हमारे अपने ही हमारे साथ नजर आते हैं। अपनो को पहचानो और आगे बढो। बादल समान लोगों को पहचानो और अपने आपको शोषित होने से बचाओ। सुरक्षित रहे, स्वस्थ्य रहें और सदा मुस्कुराते रहे।

Vo1) LTE

LTE2 ↓↑ सुप्रभातम, हमारे सबके जीवन मे कुछ ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो अपने मतलब के लिए आते हैं, बहुत मीठी मीठी बाते करते है, हमें सबसे नजदीक महसुस होते हैं। इस दौरान हमारे आपने फिके लगने लगते हैं और हम उन मतलब प्रस्त लोगे के छलावे मे आ जाते हैं। परंतु कुछ समय के बाद वो हमारे जीवन से अपना मतलब साध कर निकल जाते हैं, तब फिर से हमारे अपने ही हमारे साथ नजर आते हैं। अपनो को पहचानो और आगे बढो। बादल समान लोगों को पहचानो और अपने आपको शोषित होने से बचाओ। सुप्रभातम। सुरक्षित रहे, स्वस्थ्य रहें और सदा मुस्कुराते रहें।

Fake peoples are like clouds When they disappear the day is much Brighter.

जब अपने ही परिंदे किसी और के दाने के आदी हो जाए तो उन्हेंआजाद कर देना चाहिए।

You are at once both the quiet and the confusion of my heart.

- Franz Kafka
किसी के गुस्से को नफ़रत मत समझ लेना, क्योंकि आप पर गुस्सा वो ही करते है जो आपसे मोहब्बत करते हैं !

Yes, I'm a nice person, but I am no fool. If you push me if you cross the line with me too many times, everything can change very quickly...

You can't change someone who doesn't see an issue in their actions. - unknown

You can't change
हद से ज़्यादा Importance Life में किसी को नहीं देनी चाहिए.. क्यूँकि, उनसे भी बात बंद हो जाती है जिन्हें हर बात बता दी जाती है..
Knowledge decides what to Say 
Skill decides how to Say
Attitude decides how much to Say
Wisdom decides whether to Say or not

Change can be very unsettling at times; to be quite honest, it can be downright scary, but one of the benefits of change is the fact that you have an opportunity to shape and mold the future you want.
When change comes, stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right.

Don't be afraid of change.
It is leading you to a new beginning.

"You lose the respect of the best when you don't deal properly with the worst."- John C. Maxwell

You are under no obligation to be the same person you were a year, month, or even 15 minutes ago. You have the right to grow. No apologies.

"When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."

Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, but what you do consistently.

Take a deep breath. No matter how hard things seem right now, you can and will get through this.

Friday 6 August 2021

Chasing after a guy who’s not interested in you will rip the hell out of your self-respect. Better to face facts now because the longer you put it off, the harder it’ll be.

It made me wonder how many times we forgive just because we don’t want to lose someone, even if they don’t deserve our forgiveness.

The important people in our lives leave imprints. They may stay or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. There's no getting over that. 

You can’t just give up on someone because the situation’s not ideal. Great relationships aren’t great because they have no problems. They’re great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.

Sometimes the smallest things take the most room in your heart.

If they miss you, they’ll call. If they want you, they’ll say it. If they care, they’ll show it. And if not, they aren’t worth your time.

Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself.

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.

Maturity begins when we’re content to feel we’re right about something, without feeling the necessity to prove someone else is wrong.

Never regret something that once made you smile.

The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget about you.

If you are not willing to look stupid, nothing great will ever happen to you.

उलझनो को बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत क्या हैछोड़ना ही है अगर तो बहानो की ज़रूरत क्या है..!!

उलझनो को बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत क्या है
छोड़ना ही है अगर तो बहानो की ज़रूरत क्या है..!!

खाली लिफाफे की तरह होते हैं कुछ रिश्ते
जिनके भीतर कुछ भी नहीं होता 
और हम उन्हे सम्भाल कर रखते है

और इस से पहले कि साबित हो जुर्म-ए-ख़ामोशी 
हम अपनी राय का इज़हार करना चाहते हैं

अपने बुझने का सबब तो जानता है हर चराग़
किसमें हिम्मत है मगर खुलकर हवा का नाम ले...

If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must WRITE it.

 *Let Them Lose You :*

You need to let people lose you..
Let them go along with the crowd... 
Let them believe what they want to believe...
Let them think they have better. Let them sleep on your worth..

*Because in due time they will realize the mistake they made, and it will be just enough time for you to accept that you're better off without them.*

जिंदगी की कसौटी से हर रिश्ता गुजर गया,,
कुछ निकले "खरे सोने " कुछ का पानी उतर गया....

 "निस्वार्थ" भाव से "कर्म" करिए, 
इस "धरा" का,  इस "धरा" पर ही,  सब "धरा" रह जाएगा...।।

एक ही हादसा तो है और वो ये कि आज तक,
बात नहीं कही गई बात नहीं सुनी गई

I over-analyze situations because I’m scared of what will happen if I’m not prepared for it.

कहां ज़ख्म खोल बैठा, पगले..!
ये नमक का "शहर"  है....

मेहनत लगती है सपनो को सच बनाने में,
हौसला लगता है
बुलन्दियों को पाने में,

बरसो लगते है जिन्दगी बनाने में,
जिन्दगी फिर भी कम पडती है
रिश्ते निभाने में..

 जो कभी ना भर पाए, ऐसा भी एक घाव है
जी हां, उसका नाम लगाव है..!

आवाज़ देने से ही कारवाँ नहीं रुका करते; 
 देखा यह भी जाता है पुकारा किसने है

 ज़रा सी रंजिश पर न छोड़ किसी अपने का दामन,
ज़िंदगी बीत जाती है अपनों को अपना बनाने में…

दिल की खुश्क दीवारों को ,अश्कों की नमी लाजमी है...
रूह को सुकून हो क़यामत सा,दर्द की आह लाजमी है . ...

If you can’t figure out where you stand with someone,
it might be time to stop standing and start walking.

 सबको खुश रखना, जिंदा मेंढकों को 
तोलने जैसा है..
एक को बिठाओ 
तो दूसरा कूद जाता है..

अब की बार गुम नहीं हुए हैं हम,
इस बार तुमने खो दिया है हमें।

 *अच्छे के साथ अच्छे बनें,पर बुरे के साथ बुरे नहीं*
(हीरे से हीरा तराशा जाता है,
कीचड़ से कीचड़ साफ नहीं किया जाता।)

शब्दों का सही चयन
आपके लेखन को निखार देता है

इश्क आशियाना नहीं,
एहसास ढूंढता है...
ज़मीं पर आओ फिर देखो हमारी अहमियत क्या है,
बुलंदी से कभी ज़र्रों  का अंदाज़ा नहीं होता…

जहां  विश्वास होता है,
वहीं विश्वासघात भी होता है......

 शिकवा हम तुझ से भला तेज़ हवा ...क्या करते,
घर  तो  अपने  ही  चराग़ों से जला ...क्या करते…

The man who views the world at 50, 
the same way he viewed it at 20
has wasted 30 years of his life.

गिला भी तुझ से बहुत है मगर मोहब्बत भी 
वो बात अपनी जगह है ये बात अपनी जगह

हर गम छुपा लेते हैं..... जो बड़ी सादगी से
उन्हें हर हाल में मुस्कुराने का... तरीका आ गया!!

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.
Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself.

जब भी ज़िंदगी को क़रीब से देखा...
कुछ क़रीब के लोगों को... बहुत दूर देखा....

गलत  फ़हमियों   में  जवानी  गुज़ारी,
कभी वो न समझे,कभी हम न समझे.....

चलो बाँट लेते हैं अपनी सज़ाएँ
न तुम याद आओ न हम याद आएँ

वों खामोश बैठे रहे ,
मैं सुनता रहा..

दुनिया की शोहरतें हैं उन्हीं के नसीब में
अंदाज़ जिनको बात बनाने के आ गए...

जब इंसान की जरूरत बदल जाती है,
उसके बात करने का लहजा भी बदल जाता ..

छोड़ना पड़ता है, कुछ जोड़ना पड़ता है!!
मेरे यार आसाँ कहाँ है जिंदगी....

क्या मशवरा क्या सल्लाह कीजिए,
जाने की ज़ब ठानी है.. जाने दीजिए..

Tuesday 3 August 2021

वो हम से ख़फ़ा हैं हम उन से ख़फ़ा हैं मगर बात करने को जी चाहता है ~ शकील बदायुनी

रोक सकते थे तुम
मगर , तुमने मुझे जाने दिया
तुम्हे तुम्हारा अहं प्यारा था
मै नही......!

काँच की चूड़ियाँ लेकर जब तक लौटा मैं..
उसके हाथ में सोने के कँगन थे..!!

ना हाथ थाम सके ना पकड़ सके दामन,
बड़े करीब से उठ कर चला गया कोई..!
~ मीना कुमारी

बादलों की ओट से सूरज निकलने वाला है
सफर जारी रखो, वक्त बदलने वाला है।
- यशवर्धन जैन

*मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की सुन्दर रचना*

तप्त हृदय को, सरस स्नेह से, जो सहला दे, *मित्र वही है। *

रूखे मन को, सराबोर कर, जो नहला दे, *मित्र वही है । *

प्रिय वियोग, संतप्त चित्त को, जो बहला दे, * मित्र वही है । *

अश्रु बूँद की, एक झलक से, जो दहला दे, *मित्र वही है। *

Unfollow anyone on social media and in real life who doesn't make you feel empowered, informed, or inspired.

Not everyone is meant to be in our lives to the end....

So when someone brings pain, suffering and disrespect to your life let them go...

if you choose, you may wish them well from afar.

If it's not possible to let them go completely, 
make sure you limit your energy and time spent in their presence.

you are worthy of respect.
You matter.
Your life matters.

whether it is the person or thing:

whether it is the person or thing, 
we don't value 
when it or he / she is with us, 
we search for the unknown.
By doing so suffer twice, first by not valuing and enjoying what we have 
secondly sad of not having the unknown or not for you. Think it over and have a great day.
जो साथ है उसकी कदर नही, 
जो दूर है उसकी तालाश है। 
खुद कर लिया है सुकून अपना बरबाद, 
अब सब कह रहे हैं सुकून की तालाश है।

We are all visitors to this time, this place.

Plant the seed... Be their sun and watch them grow!



WITHOUT these in your
you have NOTHING.

You don't need to be the top 3 in your class. 
Being in the middle is fine, as long as your grades aren't too bad. 
Only this kind of person has enough free time to learn other skills.

Don't say 
"There's still time" or "Maybe next time"
Because there's also the concept of 
"It's too late"
Good Morning

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through.

Our purpose is 
to observe,
to learn, 
to grow, 
to love 
and then 
we return home.

Monday 2 August 2021

If you have to beg someone to be in your life, they don’t deserve to be there.

I over-analyze situations because I’m scared of what will happen if I’m not prepared for it.

The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, no matter how far they wander.

Don’t forget, all quotes do is open your eyes a little wider to what is already inside you.
Your heart knows the things that your mind can't explain.

One day someone is going to hug you so tight, that all of your broken pieces will stick back together.

There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.

Some people are going to leave but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their part in your story.

Sunday 1 August 2021

अभी तो नाव किनारे है फ़ैसला न करो ,ज़रा बढ़ोगे तो गहराइयाँ भी आएँगी !

Some people aren’t loyal to you, they are loyal to their need of you. Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.

Change is hardest at the beginning,
messiest in the middle 
and best at the end.

It is madness to hate all roses because you got scratched with one thorn.

Someday someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you’ve never seen, they’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been looking for their entire lives. wait for it...

In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about ever again. But you do.

अभी तो नाव किनारे है फ़ैसला न करो 
ज़रा बढ़ोगे तो गहराइयाँ भी आएँगी !

माफी गलती की होती है ,
किसी को ज़िंदा लाश बनाने की नहीं

कुछ रिश्तों में मुनाफा नहीं होता
मगर वो जिंदगी को बहुत अमीर बना देते हैं  !!

A narcissist doesn't break your heart, they break your spirit. That's why it takes so long to heal.

Narcissists think the world revolves around them.

Narcissists have an excessive need for admiration, a disregard for others' feelings and an inability to handle any criticismand a sense of entitlement.

So a narcissist can not see the truth, they can only speak and see what is in their best interest, regardless of how it effects someone else.

There is no way to change or help a narcissist to see what's happening and help them change their behavior.

You are powerless, so make sure you put your energy and actions into what is helpful, safe and in your life's best interest.

Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.

Yes, I'm a nice person, but I am no fool.

If you push me 
if you cross the line with me too many times, 
everything can change very quickly...

Be the kind of person you want to be around..

Protect the names of others in the same way you would hope that they would protect your own..

Forgive with your whole heart, even as you would seek forgiveness for your own mistake...

Love yourself. Love others. Completely and without ulterior motive, fear or judgment..

Let Them Lose You

You need to let people lose you 
Let them go along with the crowd 
Let them believe what they want to believe
Let them think they have better 
Let them sleep on your worth
Because in due time they will realize the mistake they made, 
and it will be just enough time for you to accept that you're better off without them.

World's most beautiful sentence; "But ... I'm with you..."

World's most painful sentence; "I'm with u... but..."

Words are the same ... but it matters where they are placed ...

We take on the behaviors and attitudes of the people we spend the most time with make sure when someone is making you feel inadequate, unworthy and questioning your integrity... that you walk away and wish them well from afar.

People who do not treat you with respect, understand your worth and value you... are not your people.

Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life

Thank you for ignoring me when I needed you the most. It taught me to be there for myself.

Sometimes you need to change direction!! 
Patience is not always the optimal way.



I forgive, but I also learn a lesson. I won't hate you, but I'll never get close enough for you to hurt me again. I can't let my forgiveness become foolishness.

Patience and Silence are two powerful energies.
Patience makes you
Mentally strong, Silence makes you Emotionally strong.

You can't change someone who doesn't see an issue in their actions. - unknown
You can't change

सोच खूबसूरत होतो सब कुछ अच्छा नजर आता है★

सोच खूबसूरत होतो सब कुछ अच्छा नजर आता है

★ अपने खराब मूड के समय मधुर वाणी बोलना एक मंहगा शौक है जो हर किसी के बस की बात नहीं है*

शब्द भी एक तरह का भोजन है किस समय कौन सा शब्द परोसना है जो यह समझ जाए तो उससे बढ़िया कोई नहीं

Here's the reality, there will always be people that are jealous

Here's the reality, there will always be people that are jealous, down on themselves and looking for excuses as to why they aren't successful or happy.

I choose to see haters as a sign that I am doing something unique and different and I celebrate that!

My journey is unique and different and so is yours. And that's what makes it beautiful.

Your personal brand is much more powerful than your company's brand or products brand or even service brand.

Your personal brand is much more powerful than your company's brand or products brand or even service brand.

Your personal brand will attract the right people and the right opportunity into your life.

When I started on LinkedIn, I realized that nobody will bring my dream on a golden plate except myself.

And here are 10 personal advices if you want to build an authentic personal brand:

1-Donot praise yourself but praise others.

2-Always smile, life will never be a straight line, just look always to the positive side.

3-Infect people with your positivity, make it contagious.

4-Respect everybody whom you see regardless of their positions or their levels in life, we are all human beings.

5-Listen effectively and leave a space for people to talk.

6-Put a great sense of humor without hurting others.

7-Serve more and give more, don't expect anything in return.

8-Give real advice from the heart to others, you never know who can be what in the future because of you.

9-Give the credit to people who deserve it. 

10-Inspire people to move to their way of greatness.

Wherever you are today is because of your yesterday's choices neither the circumstances nor the society around you.

As long as your lungs are breathing, then be that person whom you are supposed to be.

We are all born unique but most of us die copies (Les brown).

Don't be a commodity, Be a brand.

You do make a difference.

Beautiful story!! Worth reading!

Beautiful story!! Worth reading!

A man often bought oranges from an old lady. రరరరరర

After they were weighed, paid for and put in his bag, he would always pick one from his bag, peel it, put a segment in his mouth, complain it's sour and pass on the orange to the seller.

The old lady would put one segment

in her mouth and retort, "why, it's

sweet," but by then he was gone

The old lady would put one segment in her mouth and retort, "why, it's sweet," but by then he was gone with his bag.

His wife, always with him, asked, "the oranges are always sweet, then why this drama every time?"

He smiled, "the old mother sells sweet oranges but never eats them herself. This way I get her to eat one, without losing her money. That's all."

The vegetable seller next to the old lady, saw this everyday.

She chided, "every time this man fusses over your oranges, and I see that you always weigh a few extra for him. Why?"

The old lady smiled, "I know he does this to feed me an orange, only, he thinks I don't understand. I never weigh extra. His love tilts the scale slightly every time."

Life's joys are in these sweet little gestures of love and respect for our fellow beings.

Always have the ability to show such amazing kindness and Gestures!!

If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must WRITE it.Toni Morrison

Remember you don't have to attend every argument you're invited to.

It's ok to protect your peace and preserve your energy and sanity.

Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life

I asked my grandma what is good for headaches, she said "staying away from the person who gave it to you."

If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must WRITE it.
Toni Morrison

डर हमको भी लगता है रस्ते के सन्नाटे से लेकिन एक सफ़र पर ऐ दिल अब जाना तो होगा

 [8:11 AM, 8/24/2023] Bansi Lal: डर हमको भी लगता है रस्ते के सन्नाटे से लेकिन एक सफ़र पर ऐ दिल अब जाना तो होगा [8:22 AM, 8/24/2023] Bansi La...