Sunday 30 August 2015

एक बार सोचें ज़रूर:

बेजुबान पत्थर पे लदे है करोडो के गहने मंदिरो में ।
उसी देहलीज पे एक रूपये को तरसते नन्हे हाथो को देखा है।

सजे थे छप्पन भोग और मेवे मूरत के आगे । बाहर एक फ़कीर को भूख से तड़प के मरते देखा है ।।

लदी हुई है रेशमी चादरों से वो हरी मजार ,पर बहार एक बूढ़ी अम्मा को ठंड से ठिठुरते देखा है।

वो दे आया एक लाख गुरद्वारे में हाल के लिए , घर में उसको 500 रूपये के लिए काम वाली बाई बदलते देखा है।

सुना है चढ़ा था सलीब पे कोई दुनिया का दर्द मिटाने को, आज चर्च में बेटे की मार से बिलखते माँ बाप को देखा है।

जलाती रही जो अखन्ड ज्योति देसी घी की दिन रात पुजारन , आज उसे प्रसव में कुपोषण के कारण मौत से लड़ते देखा है ।

जिसने न दी माँ बाप को भर पेट रोटी कभी जीते जी , आज लगाते उसको भंडारे मरने के बाद देखा ।

दे के समाज की दुहाई ब्याह दिया था  जिस बेटी को जबरन बाप ने, आज पीटते उसी शौहर के हाथो सरे राह देखा है ।

मारा गया वो पंडित बेमौत सड़क दुर्घटना में यारो ,
जिसे खुदको काल सर्प,तारे और हाथ की लकीरो का माहिर लिखते देखा है ।

जिस घर की एकता की देता था जमाना कभी मिसाल दोस्तों ,
आज उसी आँगन में खिंचती दीवार को देखा है।

बंद कर दिया सांपों को सपेरे ने यह कहकर,
अब इंसान ही इंसान को डसने के काम आएगा।
आत्महत्या कर ली गिरगिट ने सुसाइड नोट छोडकर,
अब इंसान से ज्यादा मैं रंग नहीं बदल सकता।
गिद्ध भी कहीं चले गए
लगता है उन्होंने देख लिया कि,
इंसान हमसे अच्छा नोंचता है।
कुत्ते कोमा में चले गए,ये देखकर,
क्या मस्त तलवे चाटता है इंसान।

Friday 28 August 2015

Candle & Fire:

Tom was tired when he went to see his mentor Dwyer.  They sat quietly in Dwyer’s old cabin, whittling wood with their knives in front of the fireplace when Tom finally spoke up.

“I don’t know how you do it,” he said.  “Do what?” asked Dwyer.  “I don’t know how you stay motivated to help people after so many years.  I feel like giving up and I’ve hardly started.”   Dwyer smiled wryly and replied, “Can you blow out that candle for me?”  Tom did as he was asked.  “Now, can you blow out this fire?  Dwyer asked.  “Don’t be silly,” Tom replied, “Of course I can’t.”

Dwyer put down his knife and his piece of wood and looked his protegé in the eye.  “When your motivation is as small as the candle’s flame, it’s easy to extinguish, but when it rages like the fire you see before you, nothing can blow it out.”

My challenge to you is to find a reason for doing what you do that can’t be extinguished when you feel tired, when you come up against obstacles and when you don’t feel as though you are making any progress.  If you don’t have a compelling reason to press on, it’s too easy to give up.

So let me ask you, is your motivation level like a candle or a fire?

And what are you going to do to keep it from dying down?


A feeling of motivation isn’t just nice, it is very powerful and important. The difference between someone motivated and someone unmotivated is like night and day. A motivated person can do far more and is far more capable...

IF YOU want to feel better and get more done, first you need at least one goal. You need something to aim at.  Human beings are goal-achieving at their best. This is one of the most basic principles of success, sanity, and mental health.

Once you have something to aim for, you have two things to concern yourself with: Motivation and demoralization. You already know what to do about demoralization: Use the antivirus for your mind. That will prevent setbacks from taking away your motivation.  When you first create a goal, you are already motivated. The moment you choose it, you’re highly motivated.  You chose the goal in the first place because you’re motivated to accomplish it.

“How can motivation be refreshed?” How can you enhance your own motivation? How can you boost it when it’s sagging?

Here you are now, with a goal and somewhat motivated. Let’s see what we can do to cultivate your motivation. Let’s see what we can do to make your motivation healthy and robust. What is motivation’s water and fertilizer?

Here are seven of the most potent ways of growing and maintaining a lasting, energizing feeling motivation.

Prune your goals.
Make a list, put it in order.
Keep the level of challenge just right.
Measure your progress.
Read and listen to motivational material.
Take the time to think.
Refresh your goals.
I once heard a phrase that has stuck with me ever since. When you make a list or chart your progress or put a motivational slogan on your bathroom mirror, you are creating “a structure of fulfillment.” You’re making your progress easier. You’re making it easier for your goals to be accomplished. You’re making the fulfillment of your desires more likely.

If you make structures to help you, you can fulfill more of your potential. A good part of cultivating a feeling of motivation is creating structures of fulfillment that make success easier or faster. Success is motivating. Focus is motivating.

The seven principles above give you structures of fulfillment. They will help you keep your motivation high. And your high motivation will help you accomplish your most heartfelt goals.

Whether or not you achieve your goals depends almost entirely on your motivation. Think about that. Let it sink in. It is entirely possible that you will never achieve your goals. But if you do, it was because you were motivated. If you don’t, it was because you weren’t motivated enough.

Should you stand out from the crowd:

When a small fish stands out from the rest of the shoal, it gets eaten by a shark.

When a zebra stands out from the rest of the herd, it gets eaten by a lion.

When a pigeon stands out from the rest of the flock, it gets eaten by a hawk.

As social creatures, we often see ourselves in a similar light.

Don’t do anything too outrageous, you’ll be criticised.

Don’t look too different, you’ll be judged.

Don’t step off the beaten path of the masses, you could slip and fall.

This is what I know.

You’re not a small fish.

You’re not a zebra.

You’re not a pigeon.

Standing out from the crowd doesn’t place you in mortal danger.

When you stand out from the crowd, you position yourself to change the world.

Should you stand out from the crowd?

Wednesday 26 August 2015

What’s your excuse?

  • One guy was blind and one was deaf.
  • One guy was sacked from the company that he built from scratch.
  • One guy was sent home from school as a young child and his parents were told that he had a learning difficulty and was unteachable.
  • One guy was dyslexic and another suffered from severe motor neurone disease.
  • They are each reasonable excuses for not amounting to anything.

The blind guy is Erik Weihenmayer and he has climbed Mount Everest as well as the highest summits on every other continent. 
The deaf guy was Ludwig van Beethoven who wrote most of his music after losing his hearing including some of the greatest symphonies in human history.

Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985 before returning in 1996 to lead the company to its current iconic position.

Albert Einstein was sent home from school with perceived learning difficulties before going on to become one of the greatest scientists and thinkers ever.
Sir Richard Branson suffers from dyslexia, something that hasn’t stopped him from becoming the charismatic and successful entrepreneur that we see today.

The guy with motor neurone disease is Stephen Hawking, the eminent physicist who has continued to push the boundaries of his field despite his illness.
  1. Each of these individuals had an excuse for not achieving greatness, but they succeeded in spite of their circumstances.
  2. It is important that you pick an achievement that you are genuinely proud of, something that is true to you.  Over time, people generally remember the way you made them feel rather than the words you spoke, so it is essential you keep it real. Raise your energy levels, get excited, sit up proudly in your chair and make that impact!
  3. Today, right now, is the right day to start to take a step in the direction of your
  4. heart’s desires. It’s what you do TODAY that will make a difference in your
  5. life tomorrow.

  • I have two questions for you today.
  • What’s your excuse ?
  • What are you going to achieve anyway?

What is your excuse:

  • One guy was blind and one was deaf.
  • One guy was sacked from the company that he built from scratch.
  • One guy was sent home from school as a young child and his parents were told that he had a learning difficulty and was unteachable.
  • One guy was dyslexic and another suffered from severe motor neurone disease.
  • They are each reasonable excuses for not amounting to anything.
  • What’s your excuse?

  1. The blind guy is Erik Weihenmayer and he has climbed Mount Everest as well as the highest summits on every other continent.
  3. The deaf guy was Ludwig van Beethoven who wrote most of his music after losing his hearing including some of the greatest symphonies in human history.
  5. Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985 before returning in 1996 to lead the company to its current iconic position.
  8. Albert Einstein was sent home from school with perceived learning difficulties before going on to become one of the greatest scientists and thinkers ever.
  10. Sir Richard Branson suffers from dyslexia, something that hasn’t stopped him from becoming the charismatic and successful entrepreneur that we see today.
  13. The guy with motor neurone disease is Stephen Hawking, the eminent physicist who has continued to push the boundaries of his field despite his illness.

Each of these individuals had an excuse for not achieving greatness, but they succeeded in spite of their circumstances.
It is important that you pick an achievement that you are genuinely proud of, something that is true to you.  Over time, people generally remember the way you made them feel rather than the words you spoke, so it is essential you keep it real. Raise your energy levels, get excited, sit up proudly in your chair and make that impact!
Today, right now, is the right day to start to take a step in the direction of your
heart’s desires. It’s what you do TODAY that will make a difference in your
life tomorrow.
I have two questions for you today.
What’s your excuse ?
What are you going to achieve anyway?

Monday 24 August 2015

Push the cow over the precipice:

Author of The Alchemist, Paolo Coelho, recently shared this story of a philosopher  strolling through the forest with a disciple, discussing the importance of unexpected encounters.

According to the philosopher, everything around us provides us with an opportunity to learn or to teach.  At that moment, they passed the gate of a small farm which, although well situated, appeared to be extremely run down.

“Just look at this place,” said the disciple. “You’re quite right. What I learn from this is that many people live in Paradise, but are not even aware that they do and continue to live in the most miserable conditions.”

“I said learn and teach,” retorted the philosopher. “It is never enough simply to notice what is going on, you must also find out the causes, because we can only understand the world when we understand the causes.”

They knocked on the door and were received by the inhabitants: a couple and their three children, all dressed in ragged, dirty clothes.  “You live in the middle of the forest with no shops anywhere around,” said the philosopher to the father of the family.  “How do you survive here?”

The man very calmly replied, “My friend, we have a cow who gives us several litres of milk every day. Some of this we sell or exchange in the neighbouring town for other food, and with the remainder we make cheese, yoghurt and butter for ourselves. And that is how we survive.”

The philosopher thanked him for this information, looked at the place for a few moments and then left.  As they walked away, he said to his disciple, “Take the cow, lead it to that precipice and push it over.”  “But the cow is the family’s only means of support.”  The philosopher said nothing.  Having no alternative, the young man did as he was told, and the cow fell to its death.  The scene remained engraved on his memory.

Many years later, when he himself was a successful businessman, he resolved to return to that place, to tell the family everything, to ask their forgiveness and to help them financially. 

Imagine his surprise when he found the place transformed into a beautiful farm with flowering trees, a car in the garage and children playing in the garden. He was gripped by despair, thinking that the humble family must have been forced to sell the farm in order to survive. He hurried on and was greeted by a friendly servant.  “What happened to the family who used to live here ten years ago?” he asked.  ‘They still own the place,’ came the reply.

Astonished, he ran into the house, and the owner recognised him. He asked after the philosopher, but the young man was too anxious to find out how the man had managed to improve the farm and to raise his standard of living so dramatically.

“Well, we used to have a cow, but it fell over the precipice and died,” said the man. “Then, in order to support my family, I had to plant herbs and vegetables.  The plants took a while to grow, and so I started cutting down trees to sell the wood.  Then, of course, I had to buy saplings to replace the trees.  When I was buying the saplings, I thought about my children’s clothes, and it occurred to me that I could perhaps try growing my own cotton.  I had a difficult first year, but by the time harvest came around, I was already selling vegetables, cotton and aromatic herbs. I had never realised how much potential the farm had. It was a bit of luck really that cow dying!”

This story reminds us that sometimes we can become reliant on things that hold us back.  Sometimes we need to leave behind habits, perspectives or jobs to reach our full potential.  We need to say goodbye to good things so that we can say hello to great things.

Everything in life is a process. Respect it, and appreciate every step along the way. Appreciate the messy areas. Appreciate the times of pain. These are the times when you have the most to gain and you will if you don’t look down, but only look up.

Don’t look back and second guess. Don’t look back and think you should have made a different decision. If you don’t like where you’re at in life, go forward and change it. Our past got us to where we are today and there are great lessons in that. But our past is an impossible place to live, so stop trying !

Even though you may want to move forward in your life,  you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life.

Is there a cow that you need to push over the edge?  

What is it you would let go of today?”

Saturday 22 August 2015

सुख बनाम दुःख:

एक बार माता पार्वती ने भगवान शिव से कहा की प्रभु मैंने मृत्यु लोक (धरती) पर देखा है की जो व्यक्ति पहले से ही अपने प्रारब्ध से दुखी है आप उसे और ज्यादा दुःख प्रदान करते है और जो सुख में में है उसे दुःख नहीं देते है।
भगवान ने इस बात को समझाने के लिए माता पार्वती को धरती पर चलने के लिए कहा और दोनों ने मनुष्य रूप में पति-पत्नी का रूप रखा और और एक गावं के पास डेरा जमाया.!
शाम के समय भगवान ने माता पार्वती से कहा की हम मनुष्य रूप में यहाँ आये है इसलिए यहाँ के नियमों का पालन करते हुए हमें यहाँ भोजन करना होगा अतः में भोजन की सामग्री की व्यवस्था करता हूँ तब तक तुम रसोई बनाओ।
भगवान के जाते ही माता पार्वती रसोई में चूल्हे को बनाने के लिए बाहर से इटें लेने गयी और गावं में कुछ जर्जर हो चुके मकानों से इटें लाकर चूल्हा तैयार कर दिया।
चूल्हा तैयार होते ही भगवान वहां पर बिना कुछ लाये ही प्रकट हो गए.!
माता पार्वती ने उनसे कहा आप तो कुछ लेकर नहीं आये, भोजन कैसे बनेगा ?
भगवान बोले पार्वती अब तुम्हे इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ेगी.
भगवान ने माता पार्वती से पूछा की तुम चूल्हा बनाने के लिए इन ईटों को कहा से लेकर आई ?
तो माता पार्वती ने कहा प्रभु इस गावं में बहुत से ऐसे घर भी हैं जिनका रख रखाव सही ढंग से नहीं हो रहा है।
उनकी जर्जर हो चुकी दीवारों से मैं इटें निकल कर ले आई।
भगवान ने फिर कहा जो घर पहले से ख़राब थे तुमने उन्हें और खराब कर दिया तुम इटें उन सही घरों की दीवाल से भी तो ला सकती थीं।
माता पार्वती बोली प्रभु उन घरों में रहने वाले लोगों ने उनका रख रखाव बहुत सही तरीके से किया है और वो घर सुन्दर भी लग रहे है ऐसे में उनकी सुन्दरता को बिगाड़ना अनुचित नहीं होता।
भगवान बोले पार्वती यही तुम्हारे द्वारा पूछे गए प्रश्न का उत्तर है, जिन लोगो ने अपने घर का रख रखाव यानी, सही कर्मों से अपने जीवन को सुन्दर बना रखा है उन लोगों को दुःख कैसे हो सकता है.
""मनुष्य के जीवन में जो भी सुखी है वो अपने कर्मों के द्वारा सुखी है, और जो दुखी है वो अपने कर्मों के द्वारा दुखी है.
इसलिए मनुष्य को ऐसे कर्म करने चाहिए की इतनी मजबूत व खूबसूरत इमारत खड़ी हो कभी भी कोई उसकी ईट निकालने न पाए ।

Sunday 16 August 2015

भारत महान है:

जापान की एक साबुन की फैक्ट्री में एक बार गलती से साबुन के पैकेट में साबुन नहीं डाला
जा सका और वो खाली पैकेट ही मार्किट में पहुँच गया
जिसे कंपनी को मुआवजा अदा करके ग्राहक से वापस लेना पड़ा...
ऐसी गलती दुबारा न हो इसलिए कंपनी में 60,00,000 रुपये खर्च करके एक्सरे और स्कैन करने की मशीन लगवाई
ताकि हर साबुन के पैकेट की जाँच हो सके की उसमे साबुन की टिकिया है या ख़ाली है...
यही गलती एक बार हिंदुस्तान की एक साबुन फैक्ट्री में भी हो गयी...
दुबारा ऐसी गलती न हो इसलिए फैक्ट्री के मालिक ने पैकिंग लाइन के आखिर में एक बड़ा सा 6000 रु का पंखा लगा दिया जिससे पैकेट खाली होने पर उड़ जाता और भरा होने पर आगे फाइनल पैकिंग को चला जाता...

कभी हंस भी लिया करो:

एक बार Promotion के लिए पप्पूजी का departmental इंटरव्यू हुआ।

बॉस: चलो मुझे तुम्हारी अंग्रेजी चैक
करने दो।

चलो विलोम(opposite) शब्द बताओ?

बॉस:   Good
पप्पू:   Bad.

बॉस:   Come
पप्पू:   Go.

बॉस:   Ugly
पप्पू:    Pichhlli.

बॉस:   Pichhli ?
पप्पू:    UGLY.

बॉस:    Shut Up !
पप्पू:     Keep talking.

बॉस:     Now stop all this
पप्पू:    Then carry on all that.

बॉस:   अबे , चुप हो जा...चुप हो जा...चुप हो जा.

पप्पू:    अबे बोलता जा...बोलता जा...बोलता जा.

बॉस:    अरे, यार ...
पप्पू:    अरे दुश्मन...

बॉस:    Get Out
पप्पू:   Come In.

बॉस:     My God.
पप्पू:   Your devil.

बॉस:     shhhhhhh..
पप्पू:     hurrrrrrrrrrrrrr

बॉस:    मेरे बाप चुप हो जा..
पप्पू:   तेरे बेटे बोलते रहो..

बॉस:   You are rejected
पप्पू:    I am selected.

बॉस:    प्रभु आपके चरण कहाँ है
पप्पू:    वत्स मेरा सर यहाँ है

बॉस:   बाप रे किस पागल से पाला पड़ा है....
पप्पू:    माँ री किसी बुद्धिमान से पाला नहीं पड़ा..

बॉस:    साले उठा कर पटक दूँगा
पप्पू:    जीजा लिटा कर उठा लूँगा,

फिर पप्पू को बॉस ने एक थप्पड़ मारा,
पप्पू ने दो जमा दिया
बॉस ने फिर चार मारा
पप्पू ने बॉस को मार मार कर बेहोश कर दिया ।

फिर अपने मन मेँ पप्पूजी

"कल साहब को होश आने पर रीजल्ट पूछता हूँ, वैसे बॉस को जवाब तो मैने संतोषप्रद ही दिया है ।

कोमल बनो:

जीभ जन्म से होती है और मृत्यु तक रहती है क्योकि वो कोमल होती है.
दाँत जन्म के बाद में आते है और मृत्यु से पहले चले जाते हैं... क्योकि वो कठोर होते है।

छोटा बनके रहोगे तो मिलेगी हर
बड़ी रहमत...
बड़ा होने पर तो माँ भी गोद से उतार
देती है...

किस्मत और पत्नी
भले ही परेशान करती है लेकिन
जब साथ देती हैं तो
ज़िन्दगी बदल देती हैं.।।

"प्रेम चाहिये तो समर्पण खर्च करना होगा।
विश्वास चाहिये तो निष्ठा खर्च करनी होगी।
साथ चाहिये तो समय खर्च करना होगा।

किसने कहा रिश्ते मुफ्त मिलते हैं ।
मुफ्त तो हवा भी नहीं मिलती ।
एक साँस भी तब आती है,
जब एक साँस छोड़ी जाती है!!"

स्वतंत्रता दिवस की पुकार :

"पंद्रह अगस्त का दिन कहता, आज़ादी अभी अधूरी है,
सपने सच होने बाकी हैं, रावी की शपथ न पूरी है..!"
"जिनकी लाशों पर पग धर कर, आज़ादी भारत में आई,
वे अब तक हैं खानाबदोश, ग़म
की काली बदली छाई..!"
"कलकत्ते के फूट-पाथों पर, जो आंधी-पानी सहते हैं,
उनसे पूछो, पंद्रह अगस्त के बारे में क्या कहते हैं..?"
"हिन्दू के नाते उनका दुःख सुनते यदि तुम्हेँ लाज आती,
तो सीमा के उस पार चलो,
सभ्यता जहां कुचली जाती..!"
"इंसान जहां बेचा जाता, ईमान ख़रीदा जाता है,
इस्लाम सिसकियाँ भरता है, डॉलर मन में
मुस्काता है..!"
"भूखों को गोली नंगों को हथियार पिन्हाये जाते हैं,
सूखे कंठों से जेहादी नारे लगवाए जाते हैं..!"
"लाहौर, कराची, ढाका पर मातम की है
काली छाया,
पख्तूनों पर, गिलगीतों पर है, ग़मगीन
गुलामी का साया..!"
"बस इसीलिए तो कहता हूँ, आज़ादी अभी अधूरी है,
कैसे उल्लास मनाऊं मैं.? थोड़े दिन की मजबूरी है..!"
"दिन दूर नहीं खंडित भारत को पुनः अखंड बनाएँगें,
गिलगित से गारो पर्वत तक आज़ादी पर्व मनाएँगें..!"
"उस स्वर्ण-दिवस के लिए आज से कमर कसें बलिदान
जो पाया उसमें खो न जाएँ, जो खोया उसका ध्यान
( "ये कविता पं॰ अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी ने 15
अगस्त 1947 के दिन ही लिखी थी। जो उस समय
जितनी प्रासांगिक थी, आज की तिथि में उससे
भी ज्यादा प्रासांगिक है..!" )

Thursday 13 August 2015

Its important for me anyway:

Sunder Pichai the new CEO:

It is not every day that one of the world's largest technology companies announces a new CEO.
So when Google announced that Sundar Pichai was taking the reins on Monday, his promotion gained thousands of column inches worldwide - not least of all in his native India.
The Hindu newspaper called the news "a bonus for people of Indian-origin world over". The Times of India hailed the "quiet yet thoughtful" man from Chennai (Madras).
But his ascent is far from unique. In fact, it is becoming ever more common for major international companies to have an Indian-born CEO.
One study, by the University of Southern New Hampshire, says that Indian managers are more successful because of "a paradoxical blend of genuine personal humility and intense professional will".
Whatever the model is, it seems to be working. Mr Pichai is the latest, and the most high-profile, Indian-born CEO. You can read more about him here - but here are five more Indian-born CEOs who are making waves.
Satya Nadella - Microsoft

Mr Nadella, 47, who was named the head of Microsoft in February last year, was one of the first to tweet his congratulations to Mr Pichai on Monday.
On his first day in the job, the father-of-three sent an email to all staff, calling it "a very humbling day for me".
"I am... defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning," he told staff. "I buy more books than I can finish. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete.
"I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things."
Born in Hyderabad, he joined the company in 1992 and was previously in charge of Microsoft's Cloud OS service, which powers products such as Bing, Skype and Xbox Live.
Microsoft's man at the top
Ajay Banga - Mastercard

After working for Nestle, then PepsiCo, Mr Banga - who is from Pune - took over as CEO of the credit card company in July 2010. He began his career with Nestle in 1981.
In a speech in April to his alma mater, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), he outlined what he called the "grand plan" he had at the start of his career.
"Get with somebody good. Get with somebody global. Do something that interested me. That's it. So, don't stress if you haven't got a detailed plan for your life. Anyone can have a good idea or plan; what makes it great is execution."
He also outlined six main lessons for good leadership:
a sense of urgency
a sense of balance
the courage to take thoughtful risks
be competitively paranoid
develop a global view
do well and do good
Indira Nooyi - PepsiCo

Named the third most powerful woman in business by Fortune magazine last year, Ms Nooyi was, like Sundar Pichai, born in Chennai.
She was named CEO of PepsiCo in 2006, having joined the company in 1994.
The company she presides over is a food and drinks giant: some of the brands owned by PepsiCo include Starbucks, Muller, Frito-Lay and Tropicana. The company says 22 of its brands are each worth more than $1bn (£640m).
"In my case, I benefited because I grew up outside of the United States," Ms Nooyi said in an interview in March.
"I understand exactly how the world works, and I could see the world through the eyes of people from outside the United States."
Ivan Menezes - Diageo

Mr Menezes, from Pune, is another IIM graduate. He took over as head of the British drinks giant Diageo in July 2013.
Like Ajay Banga, he began his career with Nestle in 1981.
Among the brands the company owns are Guinness, Johnnie Walker whisky, Smirnoff vodka and Captain Morgan rum.
One of his biggest moves as CEO was to buy a majority stake in India's United Spirits company, though that deal has since provided Diageo with a number of headaches.
Shantanu Narayen - Adobe Systems

Mr Narayen, from Hyderabad, has run the software firm since December 2007. He began his career with Apple.
"There's an Indian community that's vibrant and thriving," he said of Silicon Valley in an interview in February. "We attribute a lot of that to the importance of education that we all grew up with."
In the interview, he said Hyderabad's schools - modelled on the British public school system - helped his progression, as did having a foreigner's appreciation of the opportunity the US had given him.

Monday 10 August 2015

अक्सर वही रिश्ता लाजवाब होता है:

किसी ने हमसे कहा इश्क़ धीमा ज़हर है...

हमने मुस्कुरा के कहा हमें भी जल्दी नही है...

अहसास बदल जाते है बस और कुछ नहीं


मोहब्बत और नफ़रत एकही दिल से होती है..!!


एक बार
एक किसान का
घोडा बीमार हो गया।

उसने उसके इलाज के लिए
डॉक्टर को बुलाया

डॉक्टर ने घोड़े का अच्छे से
मुआयना किया और बोल|

"आपके घोड़े को
काफी गंभीर बीमारी है।
हम तीन दिन तक इसे
दवाई देकर देखते हैं,
अगर यह ठीक हो गया तो
ठीक। नहीं तो हमें
इसे मारना होगा।
यह बीमारी
दूसरे जानवरों में
भी फ़ैल सकती है।"

यह सब बातें पास में खड़ा
एक बकरा भी सुन रहा था।

अगले दिन डॉक्टर आया,
उसने घोड़े को
दवाई दी चला गया।

उसके जाने के बाद
बकरा घोड़े के
पास गया और बोला,
"उठो दोस्त, हिम्मत करो,
नहीं तो यह तुम्हें मार देंगे।"

दूसरे दिन
डॉक्टर फिर आया
और दवाई देकर चला गया।
बकरा फिर घोड़े के पास आया
और बोला,
तुम्हें उठना ही होगा।
हिम्मत करो
नहीं तो तुम मारे जाओगे।
मैं तुम्हारी मदद करता हूँ।
चलो उठो"

तीसरे दिन
जब डॉक्टर आया तो
किसान से बोला,
"मुझे अफ़सोस है कि
हमें इसे मारना पड़ेगा
क्योंकि कोई भी सुधार
नज़र नहीं आ रहा।"

जब वो वहाँ से गए तो
बकरा घोड़े के पास
फिर आया और बोला,
"देखो दोस्त,
तुम्हारे लिए अब
करो या मरो वाली
स्थिति बन गयी है।

अगर तुम आज भी नहीं उठे
तो कल तुम मर जाओगे।
इसलिए हिम्मत करो।
हाँ, बहुत अच्छे।
थोड़ा सा और,
तुम कर सकते हो।
अब भाग कर देखो,
तेज़ और तेज़।"

इतने में किसान
वापस आया तो उसने देखा कि
उसका घोडा भाग रहा है।

वो ख़ुशी से झूम उठा
और सब घर वालों को
इकट्ठा कर के चिल्लाने लगा,

"चमत्कार हो गया,
मेरा घोडा ठीक हो गया।
अब हम जश्न मनाएंगे।
आज बकरा काट के खायेंगे।"

शिक्षा :
Management को
कभी नही पता होता कि
कौन employee
काम कर रहा है ।

अक्सर वही रिश्ता लाजवाब होता है...

जो ज़माने से नही...
एहसासों से बने होते है...

Sunday 9 August 2015

I Have Optimism – A Story About What We Really Own

Three neighbouring farmers were talking when the subject of possessions came up.
“I own a huge mansion!” one proudly proclaimed.  “I own a successful farm!” said the second. “I have optimism,” the third said quietly.
His two neighbours laughed at him, for what good is a possession that cannot be seen or touched?
That night a huge storm struck.  The storm destroyed the first neighbour’s house.  “What am I to do?” he cried.  The storm ruined the second neighbour’s crops.  What will I do?” he lamented.  The storm also destroyed the third neighbour’s home and farm.  “Hmmm, what should I do first?” he asked himself and then he proceeded to rebuild his home and replant his crops.
His neighbours had been sitting around feeling sorry for themselves as they watched the third farmer rebuild, so they decided to ask him his secret to bouncing back so quickly.  “It is no secret,” the man said.  “The only thing I own is what I think.”  The two farmers suddenly understood, and with the third neighbour’s help, they rebuilt too.
From then on, whenever they met, they did not talk about possessions.  They talked about their blessings and shared them with each other, because they now realised that there’s little point in holding on to something that you do not own.
This story reminds us that whatever circumstances come our way, if we are able to maintain an optimistic and hope-filled perspective, we’re doing OK. 
An optimistic person is always looking for the best in any situation and expecting good things to happen. Optimism is the tendency to believe, expect or hope that things will turn out well.  Even if something bad happens, like the loss of possessions, loss of a job etc etc, an optimist sees the silver lining.
Being an optimist or a pessimist boils down to the way you talk to yourself. Optimists believe that their own actions result in positive things happening, that they are responsible for their own happiness, and that they can expect more good things to happen in the future. Optimists don’t blame themselves when bad things happen. They view bad events as results of something outside of themselves.
Change your thoughts... change your life !  Be Optimistic !!! 

Wednesday 5 August 2015

माँ बाप अनमोल है:

बड़े गुस्से से मैं घर से चला आया ..
इतना गुस्सा था की गलती से पापा के ही जूते पहन के निकल गया
मैं आज बस घर छोड़ दूंगा, और तभी लौटूंगा जब बहुत बड़ा आदमी बन जाऊंगा ...
जब मोटर साइकिल नहीं दिलवा सकते थे, तो क्यूँ इंजीनियर बनाने के सपने देखतें है .....
आज मैं पापा का पर्स भी उठा लाया था .... जिसे किसी को हाथ तक न लगाने देते थे ...
मुझे पता है इस पर्स मैं जरुर पैसो के हिसाब की डायरी होगी ....
पता तो चले कितना माल छुपाया है .....
माँ से भी ...
इसीलिए हाथ नहीं लगाने देते किसी को..
जैसे ही मैं कच्चे रास्ते से सड़क पर आया, मुझे लगा जूतों में कुछ चुभ रहा है ....
मैंने जूता निकाल कर देखा .....
मेरी एडी से थोडा सा खून रिस आया था ...
जूते की कोई कील निकली हुयी थी, दर्द तो हुआ पर गुस्सा बहुत था ..
और मुझे जाना ही था घर छोड़कर ...
जैसे ही कुछ दूर चला ....
मुझे पांवो में गिला गिला लगा, सड़क पर पानी बिखरा पड़ा था ....
पाँव उठा के देखा तो जूते का तला टुटा था .....
जैसे तेसे लंगडाकर बस स्टॉप पहुंचा, पता चला एक घंटे तक कोई बस नहीं थी .....
मैंने सोचा क्यों न पर्स की तलाशी ली जाये ....
मैंने पर्स खोला, एक पर्ची दिखाई दी, लिखा था..
लैपटॉप के लिए 40 हजार उधार लिए
पर लैपटॉप तो घर मैं मेरे पास है ?
दूसरा एक मुड़ा हुआ पन्ना देखा, उसमे उनके ऑफिस की किसी हॉबी डे का लिखा था
उन्होंने हॉबी लिखी अच्छे जूते पहनना ......
ओह....अच्छे जुते पहनना ???
पर उनके जुते तो ...........!!!!
माँ पिछले चार महीने से हर पहली को कहती है नए जुते ले लो ...
और वे हर बार कहते "अभी तो 6 महीने जूते और चलेंगे .."
मैं अब समझा कितने चलेंगे
......तीसरी पर्ची ..........
पुराना स्कूटर दीजिये एक्सचेंज में नयी मोटर साइकिल ले जाइये ...
पढ़ते ही दिमाग घूम गया.....
पापा का स्कूटर .............
मैं घर की और भागा........
अब पांवो में वो कील नही चुभ रही थी ....
मैं घर पहुंचा .....
न पापा थे न स्कूटर ..............
ओह्ह्ह नही
मैं समझ गया कहाँ गए ....
मैं दौड़ा .....
एजेंसी पर पहुंचा......
पापा वहीँ थे ...............
मैंने उनको गले से लगा लिया, और आंसुओ से उनका कन्धा भिगो दिया ..
.....नहीं...पापा नहीं........ मुझे नहीं चाहिए मोटर साइकिल...
बस आप नए जुते ले लो और मुझे अब बड़ा आदमी बनना है..
वो भी आपके तरीके से ...।।
"माँ" एक ऐसी बैंक है जहाँ आप हर भावना और दुख जमा कर सकते है...
"पापा" एक ऐसा क्रेडिट कार्ड है जिनके पास बैलेंस न होते हुए भी हमारे सपने पूरे करने की कोशिश करते है.

Changing our vision !!!

There was a very wealthy man who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted many physicians and was being treated by several. He did not stop consulting a galaxy of medical experts; he consumed heavy loads of drugs and underwent hundreds of injections. But the ache persisted with more vigour than before.
 At last, a monk who was supposed to be an expert in treating such patients was called for by the suffering man. The monk understood his problem and said that for sometime he should concentrate only on green colours and not to let his eyes fall on any other colours. It was a strange prescription, but he was desperate and decided to try it.
 The millionaire got together a group of painters and purchased barrels of green paint and directed that every object his eye was likely to fall to be painted green just as the monk had directed. When the monk came to visit him after few days, the millionaire's servants ran with buckets of green paint and poured it on him since he was in red dress, lest their master see any other colour and his eye ache would come back.
 Hearing this, the monk laughed and said "If only you had purchased a pair of green spectacles, worth just a few dollars, you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all other articles and also could have saved a large share of his fortune. You cannot paint the world green."
 Let us change our vision and the world will appear accordingly.  It is foolish to shape the world, let us shape ourselves first.
In order to be the person you desire to be, you have to be very clear on who that person is. You have to know yourself  inside and out.  You must understand your thoughts, feelings, desires, fears and goals. If you don’t know that much about yourself, then you may never truly realize once you’ve become the person you desire to be !
Okay, you’re done for right now. How do you feel?  Are you inspired and ready to take one step closer to becoming who it is that you envision in your mind? Has this motivated you to do what it takes to get the same thoughts and feelings as theperfect you so you can also enjoy that level of happiness?
Good. You’re on the right path. But, it’s going to be a long walk, so it’s time to keep moving.

डर हमको भी लगता है रस्ते के सन्नाटे से लेकिन एक सफ़र पर ऐ दिल अब जाना तो होगा

 [8:11 AM, 8/24/2023] Bansi Lal: डर हमको भी लगता है रस्ते के सन्नाटे से लेकिन एक सफ़र पर ऐ दिल अब जाना तो होगा [8:22 AM, 8/24/2023] Bansi La...